Article / 13th Mar 2007

(Re)*design, Pyrex and C++

I've given aeracode another makeover, this time to an interesting shade of blue and white. Comments are, of course, welcome, although please bear in mind that this is more an attempt to have my sites have themes that are at least slightly different from each other.

Another thing I've been having a go at this week is trying to write Python bindings using Pyrex. Now, as it goes, this isn't that hard normally; however, I'm attempting to write bindings for Bullet, a physics library written in C++. Getting Pyrex to work like this is interesting - there's a void of documentation about it - but I've managed to get it working, and even have a binding to the simple Vector3 object, which is perhaps even more impressive considering the small amount of C and C++ code I've written in my life.

I'll be posting more news about 'pyBullet' if I ever get it working to some extent; otherwise, expect an absence of news...