Article / 10th Sep 2008

And That was DjangoCon

There are not very many things that could tempt me to fly 10 hours twice for only a weekend, but DjangoCon was one of them, and I'm glad I went; it was one of the best weekends I've had for quite a while.

There were plenty of good talks; I can't mention them all here, since as we all know, bytes cost money, but in that vein I must at least mention Cal Henderson's talk 'Why I Hate Django' - a brilliantly done talk on the things Django's missing, as well as the fact we don't have a mascot (or do we?) and that we aren't smug enough.

Still, I enjoyed many of the other talks as well (what a shame it is not to be able to see them all in person; still, Google will hopefully release the videos soon), as well as our Schema Evolutions panel, which seems to point towards a bright future for Django and migrations.

Talking of bright futures, judging by the final session with Adrian and Jacob, there's plenty of stuff to get working on for 1.1, some of which have me quite excited. Multiple database support is going to be one of those important ones, really, but then Malcolm seems to have snuck the bottom layer of it in already, which is quite handy.

All in all, an excellent weekend, and finally a chance to meet a subset of everyone involved in Django (and they really do come from many places), and I can now hardly wait to get over to Prague next year for the promised EuroDjangoCon. If you didn't make it, then I highly recommend watching the videos when Google release them (after editing them on their ridicously great AV system, no doubt).