Article / 28th Jan 2009


Welcome to the new, now with a bit more blue, and added Unantistalker™ technology.

As well as a graphical tweak, I've also added a small map. In case you haven't figured it out, it's (supposedly) my current location; the actual age of the data is shown further down the page in the sidebar.

This is accomplished by having a Python script on my phone which uploads its current location to my server every time it moves; if there's a GPS available, it'll use that for exact coordinates, otherwise it just submits the cell ID and I attempt to find it in the OpenCellID database (I submit cell locations to it if a GPS is around, so in theory I need only walk a route once to locate all the cells, then I can use just cell IDs from there on).

While it may make it easier for the stalkers (that I probably wish I was famous enough to have) to find me, I'm not terribly worried; I can always add a bit of random jitter (and besides, location by cell ID alone isn't terribly accurate).

When everything's working, I'll post my code up here; until then, if you're sad enough, you can probably watch me walk to and from lectures. Alternatively, you may want to go get on with your life.